
Welcome to the official website of Women as Single Parents Inc., a 21 year old 501c3 networking charitable organization, especially established to support and assist single mothers who happen to be Career Professionals and Business Owners--or who would like to be--and members of our organization.


Women as Single Parents Inc., is also affectionately known as WSP Organization.  W-S-P is pronounced as "wasp", and we are also affectionately known as "WSP", (wasp), and WSP Inc., (wasp ink!)


We are also here to serve the children of single mothers as well, and we are working on a special program for the Young Adults up to age 35,  please ask us about this program, and if you have ideas or suggestions you'd like to share with us please contact us by going to our "Contact Us" page.


It is hoped that our visitors will be blessed by the contents found on our site, and be inspired to join us and become a part of our success story. Thank you in advance for doing so.


On March 8, 2024 Women as Single Parents Inc. celebrated its 21st anniversary as a ministry and community organization!!! We look forward to celebrating this anniversary all year long, and you can help us by sending us kind messages all year long, here, via our CONTACT US page, our email address, or you can text message us on WhatsApp! THANK YOU!


Registering with us begins our members' Official Membership Journey and we are excited about the new programs that will enhance our membership lifestyle as they obtain the support they deserve towards financial independence and a life worth living. 


As part of our program updates and expansion WSP has been able to expand its program to assist single mothers in international countries in establishing a WSP networking group (WSPNG)! We are also editing and upgrading our programs so that we are better able to serve our members in their quest for financial independence by starting a business or pursuing a degree or certificate in a field of choice. 


We thank God for the new changes we are able to make that will assist our official members in their quest for the support they deserve right where they live! Also, during these challenging times we plan to add "Facetime" meetings and audio messages to keep in touch with our Members, Partners and Guests. We look forward to assisting our new Members with beginning  their "OFFICIAL" MEMBERSHIP JOURNEY!!!


At this time, we have our organization on minimal operational mode and currently offer Counseling and Brainstorming sessions, services for registered members only and behind the scenes we are working on making the shift from being an online-only services organization to having a physical presence in communities again, by encouraging our members to establish WSPNGs--local networking groups--and opening WSPSuccess Centres--those groups that qualify.


This shift requires three, (3) new officer positions. We are looking for women who are or were single mothers to fill these three positions. If you think you may be a good fit, or know someone who may be, please email us to learn more. Thank you.

Please pray for our success and feel free to participate. To learn more about this project please contact us.


We are honored to celebrate the hardworking women who are single-handedly raising children. Whether you're a single mother by choice, recently widowed, divorced or raising your grandchildren, or siblings, we are positioning our organization so that it can be of service to you in your area of residence with programs and services that will match your family needs. Our support system was founded in 2003, and continues to grow as we add enterprising single mother members like you seeking the support she deserves.


If you are an entity--a Business, Military Base or are affiliated with the Military, a church, temple, mosque, school, college, university campus, or community organization, (social or welfare), etc.--please consider partnering with us to bring the single mothers that are affiliated with your entity or who reside in your surrounding community the support they deserve.


Our program can enhance any existing program you might already have by connecting your single mothers to additional, helpful information, resources, programs and/or services through our organization. We will assist you in becoming an official WSP Partner. We have an orientation program that can be customized to fit your entity needs so that you can be successful in meeting the needs of your single mothers or become even more effective at reaching and assisting them! Click here to learn more today.


The Women as Single Parents Corporation’s program is for single mothers of all  cultures, colors, ethnicity, age, religious beliefs, health and higher educational levels. You may be a business owner, a mother climbing the Corporate Ladder, another type of professional, or a glamorous celebrity. You may even be a single mother from an unknown small town; join us. You may be just about making ends meet, or wealthy, rich and famous--please come and join our organization. WELCOME!!!


Whether you are now fabulously successful and famous, or still on your way, together we can build a supportive network of Business and Professional women who know that it takes hard work and focus--despite pain and distractions--in order to achieve our goals and dreams. Going it alone no longer needs to be the only option! To get started, please register with us by filling out the online form. Your name will then be placed on our "Prospective Member's List," and you will also qualify to receive our member's WSPNews newsletter, WSP Audio Updates, and participate in other activities. You will also automatically qualify to join our WSP Rewards Points Program where you can have fun earning rewards according to your level of monthly participation, which could be as simple as commenting on the contents of our monthly WSPNEWS newsletter or/and our WSP Audio Updates! There are three, (3) phases to our membership journey, which will certainly be enlightening, informative and enjoyable.


Our organization is unique in that it assists single mothers according to need and not according to income as is the typical qualifying criteria for assistance in other organizations. Single mothers in need of business support or brainstorming to find a way of moving forward in her life after a terrible divorce, going through a child custody battle, or who might now be an Empty-nester, deserves to be supported in whatever way she needs, and is welcome to apply for our WSP Assistance Program which may include our Compassion Network Program which connects our single mother members to local resources or churches/businesses right where she lives.

Our program is based on biblical principles where Jesus encourages us not to turn anyone away empty-handed who asks for our help. If we cannot help those in need who come to us, we are to point them in the direction of a solution for the help they need as best we can. We have found that not all needs that single mothers have are financially related, they are oftentimes social and/or psychological.


Sometimes single mothers need someone who will brainstorm ideas for a better future with them and give them a friendly ear and good advice or suggestions on how to move forward in their lives, from feeling stuck! Moreover, they need advice on how to invest whether financially or in their own lives. They want to hear from someone they can trust--someone who has been through similar experiences, are, for the most part, best suited for such a job--and who has their best interest at heart and in mind, and we do at Women as Single Parents Inc.!


We have found that it's the working single mother who falls through the cracks in society because she works, has an income, and is oftentimes so busy, she does not have the time to search for the help she really needs in order to realize her dream of financial independence. Even though she may have a degree, she finds that her expenditures, especially paying for childcare often renders her income inadequate in meeting the needs of her family!


WSP is here for our single mother members because we make our services available to her at the times she is available, and when she has an emergency, we are here for her when other organizations or community help agencies are closed! Because she is a working woman she does not usually qualify for the assistance she may need! WSP also helps with needs that are often overlooked or ignored by community help organizations; we seek to fill those gaps left by society. For more information on our program please contact us.


We are currently working on North American memberships, but mothers from other countries are invited to register with us if they are serious about establishing a networking group in their area. There may be a little wait but we can help our international members to establish a networking group after they have registered with us.

Once we establish a connection in other countries we will be able to operate there.  Contact us, for more information on how to become a WSP member, a WSP Success Partner, or to establish a WSPConnections Networking Group, (WSP-NG), or a WSPChapter in your area or country. If you are in pursuit of all around excellence in your life join us today!


Are you a single mother who would love to share her success story? Click here to learn more. Are you already a member, partner or a WSP admirer and would love to share your testimony of what WSP has done for you, what our organization means to you? Would you like to send us kind and encouraging words? Please click here to send us your testimony. We will post it on our Testimonial page for the world to read all about it.


Rosita Antonio, the Founder of Women as Single Parents Inc., has created a women's health awareness campaign in memory of her sister Shirley Henry--who was one of our members--who died in February, 2017 of Pancreatic cancer. It was very sudden and shocking, and no one knew that she was ill, not even Shirley knew! During Shirley's illness Rosita also learned some devastating news about the feminine hygiene products, that they are made of highly toxic materials that cause diseases, suffering, cancer and death!!! 

WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS campaign was launched in January, 2017 when Rosita was introduced to a phenomenal company that has brought a high quality line of feminine hygiene products to America! Since then, that company dissolved and another took its place, and there has been improvements to the Feminine Hygiene products that we can share with you. This product will be one of the products you will be able to purchase at our online WSP Store when our store is open! Go to our Contact us page or email us to request more information about this product.

Rosita urges you to be ready to make the switch and save a life, maybe even your own, your wife's, your daughter's another family member or a friend!!! Create your list now, and tell all the women you meet to be ready to make the switch TODAY!!! Thank you in advance for saving a life by making the switch! Feel free to contact us today about safer feminine hygiene products.


By clicking on "Share" in the top right hand corner of every page beginning with the "About Us" webpage, you will be connected to Facebook, Twitter--now X--Pinterest and other social medias, and will be able to share that page's contents with all your friends, family and associates from any of these sites! Please feel free to tell others about our organization through these social medias, and like us on Facebook, COMING SOON! WSP believes in networking!



 Contact us to register as a Member or Partner today!


*Disclaimer* - Women As Single Parents Inc. is not responsible for information you may be exposed to from other websites that may be outdated, untrue or offensive in any way. Our desire is to provide our visitors with useful information from our website, and to link you to information from other websites that may also be useful, informative and uplifting. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use below.