Our Mission & More

Our Mission: To point single mothers to the Creator of the Universe, the "Source" of all power, strength and true success. To nurture, support, educate, and train them in the art of peer support, and assist them in achieving financial independence and all around excellence in their lives. All around excellence includes connecting to resources according to needs, and in a timely manner, striving toward sexual purity, integrity and a drug-free and healthy lifestyle.

Our Goal: To assist single mothers in the quest of accomplishing their goals and dreams.

Our Objective: To encourage, empower, promote, and celebrate, the successes of single mothers.

Our Organization's Motto: "Together We Succeed"

Our Organization's Assistance Program's Motto: "Need Does Not Take a Holiday, Why Should We?"

Our Slogan: "In Pursuit of All Around Excellence"


Our Proclamation: "Admire me, stand by me, help me if you will, but don't mess with me, I belong to God!"

At Women as Single Parents Inc., we believe that the Creator of the Universe has the answers to life's difficult phases, and being connected to this Source of power, strength and encouragement the single mother is bound to succeed. In our research, we have found that when such traumatic events occur, women who have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe have a better chance of moving forward in their lives, and maintaining sanity and good mental health. Learning to accept, nurture, and support ones self, and other single mothers, is an important part of reaching out for help, and becoming whole again. Oftentimes, single mothers need enlightenment and knowledge--for example, psychological, relational or financial--in order to move forward and become successful in their new marital status of being a single mother. Also, many women do not own a Will which would provide important instructions concerning their children and their property in the event of their death. Will planning will be one of the services made available through our organization. Register with us today!


In 1990 Rosita started doing research into the plight of mothers who were in abusive relationships. She wondered, when a mother is in an abusive relationship, where does she go and who does she turn to! She began to visit Domestic Violence Shelters to interview the Director of such facilities. She even completed a course in Domestic Violence in order to better understand the plight of the mothers. Rosita asked the above questions and the one answer that stuck in her mind was, " When the mother is discharged from the shelter, usually, she goes straight back into the abusive relationship because she is afraid of becoming homeless and penniless!!!" This was a very painful reality to Rosita that she wanted to do something about. 

Then five years later, due to spousal health and social challenges Rosita became a single mother!  So from 1995 she began to find a way and an avenue through which her single mothers' organization could be established. It would take eight years before Women as Single Parents Organization would be established at the Campus Hill Church on the campus of Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, America.

In 2003 we were founded with six members. All original members are still alive, with two already retired. Between four of us we have nine Grandchildren, and three single mothers are now married!

Women as Single Parents Organization became a nonprofit Corporation in 2007 and in 2009 we became a 501c3, and what a struggle it was, why? Because we have very unique concepts that didn't quite fit with the IRS's idea of a nonprofit corporation!!! I told my contact officer that our concept is biblical, that in the book of Matthew, Jesus admonishes us to give to those who ask for help and never to turn anyone away without at least pointing them in the direction of help. Our policy is to help single mothers and their children as well as we can. If we do not have the help they need we either create a program that meets that need or point them in the best possible direction for the help that best meets their needs.

Over the years we have discovered that:

  • There are 17 different categories of single mothers!
  • Only about 5% of single mothers attend church regularly!
  • Most community help organizations sound good to read about, look good on paper, seem impressive on the Internet, but are a disappointment to deal with! Women as Single Parents Inc. studied this and chose to become the awesome organization that it is today!!!
  • It is better to truly be who you say you are, give what you say you offer and be the best help in town!
  • It is better to be unique and offer what other organizations do not offer. This is one of the things that makes our organization unique and stand apart from other community help organizations!


From 2007--when we became a nonprofit corporation--to 2015 we received approximately $29, 627.73 in donations!


Over the years donations have been used to pay for such things as:


  • A plane ticket out of an abusive situation!
  • Apartment rental assistance
  • Hotel accommodations for temporary stays
  • Baby Layettes, cribs, prams, strollers, etc.
  • School fees
  • School books and supplies
  • Gas for vehicles
  • Utility bills
  • Moving expenses
  • Rent/mortgage assistance
  • Vehicle Payment Services
  • Groceries
  • And more


Some of the programs that have been developed over the years under the WSP Assistance Program are:


  • WSP Compassion Network which includes: Compassion Partners, Accommodations Program, New Home Walk Through, Report Writing, Member Progress Report, Moving History Reporting,
  • WSP Partner Program which includes partnerships with individuals, churches, businesses and organizations
  • Car Program
  • Ride Program
  • Family Budget Program
  • Pregnancy Support Services
  • Relocation Program
  • Clothing Exchange
  • Young Adults Program - Young Adult children of single mothers qualify to obtain support up to the age of 35 years of age, and Grandchildren up to age 25!!!
  • Letters of Reference Writing
  • Resource Assistance
  • Recommendation Program
  • Affordable Housing Links by State
  • Child Support Program by State
  • Single Father's Partial Support Program, which includes programs for his children
  • Business and Career Support & Encouragement
  • And more!


We have purposely kept Women as Single Parents Inc. small, manageable, and online--although you wouldn't think so, with all that we have accomplished over the years! However, today it is our desire to re-establish our organization as a type of Women-in-Business organization to better serve our members who are mostly business owners and career professionals. The dream of a program specifically for single mothers and their children started off as a thought in Rosita's mind, and over the years it blossomed and grew into something that will go down in history as help like no other community organization, and no other Social Welfare program known. The Women as Single Parents Program has been the envy of older, more well established and better funded community help organizations, some of which are non-existing today!


WHEN A DREAM BECOMES REALITY it is like giving birth to a helpless human baby! And, like a human baby, dreams need to be allowed to grow up, receive guidance and fanned like the flames of a camp fire. Dreams need room to grow and dreams need support of all types, and from various professionals along the way.  Just like human babies, if dreams do not receive the right support and attention, they waver, get sick and die!!! 


Love ALWAYS makes things grow, including dreams. A few times, due to family, health or social challenges Rosita was tempted to give up on Women as Single Parents Inc., but then she would say to herself, "How could I do such a thing?" it just wasn't in her to quit on such a worthwhile project. And so we live on, we move on to brighter and bigger things, because there is joy in helping others to succeed.


Today, Rosita is striving to fulfill her dream of making Women as Single Parents the Women-in-Business type organization she wished was available when she became a single mother back in 1995, an organization that would come alongside single mothers who happened to be Business women and career professionals or who strive to be, and assist them in realizing their dream of business ownership, or obtaining a degree on their journey towards financial independence, and a worthwhile future for themselves and their children!


  • WHEN A DREAM BECOMES A MENTAL REALITY LET IT LIVE OR YOU WILL DIE WITH IT UNACCOMPLISHED!!!                 (Quote by Rosita P. Antonio)                                                                                                                




Contact us to learn more about establishing a WSPConnections Networking Group (WSP-NG) in your area.